Unicode Online
  Web Based Unicode Editor for Indian Languages
©2006 Lastech
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BengaliEditor requires a Java-Enabled Browser (Java 1.1.5 or higher) and works with the following environments:

Operating System Browser
Windows 95/98/NT/XP/2000Fire Fox
Windows 95/98/NT/XP/2000Internet Explorer 4.0 & above
Windows 95/98/NT/XP/2000Netscape 4.04 & above
LinuxNetscape & Fire Fox
SolarisNetscape & Fire Fox
UnixNetscape & Fire Fox
MacintoshInternet Explorer

Keyboard Layouts

BengaliEditor supports 2 different keyboard layouts.

1. Romanised Layout : In Romanised layout, phoenetic English mappings are used to compose the Bengali Text. For example, the keys raamaa (or rAmA) can be used to type 'Rama'.
Romanised Layout & Key Sequence Charts

2. DOE Phoenetic : This layout is standardized by the Department Of Electronics(DOE), Govt Of India. The advantage of this layout is that the layout remains identical for all Indian Languages. For example, the key 'k' is used to represent the letter 'ka' in all Indian Languages.
DOE Phoenetic Layout & Key Sequence Charts

The Keyboard Layout and the Key Sequence Charts can be used to find the correct key combinations.

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